C0 (occipital condylar) fractures
Type 1
Undisplaced. Stable, requires no immobilisation.
Type 2
Displaced. Requires further information on craniocervical joint instability.
Check on X-ray or CT for:
- >8 degrees axial rotation C0-C1 to one side
- >6mm C0-C1 translation (between basion and odontoid process)
- >7mm overhang C1 on C2
- >45 degrees axial rotation C1-C2 to one side
- >4mm C1-C2 translation
- <13mm distance between posterior body C2 to posterior ring C1
And/or on MRI for:
- transverse ligament disruption
Then determine subtype:
Type 2A
None of these present = stable. Can be treated with hard collar.
Type 2B
One or more of these present = unstable. Treat with Halo-vest or surgical fixation.
Leone et al. Occipital condylar fractures: a review. Radiology (2000) vol. 216 (3) pp. 635-44