Modifed Bauer score
Metastatic spine tumor prognosis
Scoring system
Score 1 point for each of the following positive prognostic factors:
No visceral metastases
No lung cancer
Primary tumor = breast, kidney, lymphoma, multiple myeloma
One solitary skeletal metastasis
Suggestions for treatment
Score 0-1: Supportive care, no surgery
Score 2: Short term palliation, dorsal surgery
Score 3-4: Middle term local control, ventral-dorsal surgery
The data of this study by Leithner et al emphasize that the original Bauer score and a modified Bauer score (displayed here) without scoring for pathologic fracture seem to be practicable and highly predictive preoperative scoring systems for patients with spinal metastases. However, decision for or against surgery should never be based alone on a prognostic score but should take symptoms like pain or neurological compromise into account.Reference
Leithner A, Radl R, Gruber G, Hochegger M, Leithner K, Welkerling H, et al. Predictive value of seven preoperative prognostic scoring systems for spinal metastases. Eur Spine J. 2008 Nov. 1;17(11):1488-1495.
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