Myelopathy Disability Index
Scoring system
Each of the 10 items can be scored as:
without ANY difficulty (0 points)
with SOME difficulty (1 point)
with MUCH difficulty / assistance required (2 points)
unable to do (3 points)
Rising are you able to:
Stand up from an armless straight chair?
Get in and out of bed?
Eating are you able to:
Cut your meat?
Lift a full cup or glass to your mouth?
Walking are you able to:
Walk outdoors on flat ground?
Climb up five steps?
Hygiene are you able to:
Wash and dry your entire body?
Get on and off the toilet?
Grip are you able to:
Open jars which have been previously opened?
Activities are you able to:
Get in and out of a car?
Total score is the sum of all items (range 0-30). The final score is expessed as a percentage.Reference
Casey AT, Bland JM, Crockard HA. Development of a functional scoring system for rheumatoid arthritis patients with cervical myelopathy. Ann. Rheum. Dis. 1996 Dec.;55(12):901-906.
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