Rotterdam CT score

CT abnormalities in brain trauma

Scoring items

Basal cisterns

  • 0: normal
  • 1: compressed
  • 2: absent
  • Midline shift

  • 0: no shift or <= 5mm
  • 1: shift > 5mm
  • Epidural mass lesion

  • 0: present
  • 1: absent
  • Intraventricular blood or traumatic SAH

  • 0: absent
  • 1: present
  • Instructions for use

    The final score is the sum of the scoring items + 1.

    Mortality at 6 months post-injury

  • Score 1: 0%
  • Score 2: 7%
  • Score 3: 16%
  • Score 4: 26%
  • Score 5: 53%
  • Score 6: 61%
  • Reference

    Maas AIR, Hukkelhoven CWPM, Marshall LF, Steyerberg EW. Prediction of outcome in traumatic brain injury with computed tomographic characteristics: a comparison between the computed tomographic classification and combinations of computed tomographic predictors. Neurosurgery. 2005 Dec.;57(6):1173-82