ABCD2 score
Stroke risk after TIA
Scoring system
Age ≥ 60 years: 1 point
Blood pressure systolic ≥ 140mmHg or diastolic ≥ 90mmHg: 1 point
Clinical features of TIA (choose one):
Unilateral weakness with or without speech impairment: 2 points; or
Speech impairment without unilateral weakness: 1 point
TIA duration \u2265 60 minutes: 2 points
TIA duration 10-59 minutes: 1 point
Diabetes: 1 point
Score 0 - 3: 2-day stroke risk is 1.0%. Hospital observation may be unnecessary without another indication (e.g. new atrial fibrillation)
Score 4 - 5: 2-day stroke risk is 4.1%. Hospital observation is justified in most situations
Score 6 - 7: 2-day stroke risk is 8.1%. Hospital observation is worthwileReference
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